Loblolly Marina to St. Petersburg Mooring Field

Loblolly Marina
Vitesse moyenne
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Estimation du temps
1 day, 22 hours
23 hours
11 hours, 30 minutes
7 hours, 40 minutes
Get route planning for Loblolly Marina to St. Petersburg Mooring Field with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loblolly Marina

7407 SE Hill Terrace
Hobe Sound

Contact details for Loblolly Marina

+1 (772) 546-3136, Office
+1 (772) 486-1084, Cell
Eric Spoelstra, Waterfront Director

End Location
St. Petersburg Mooring Field

North (Vinoy) Yacht Basin

Contact details for St. Petersburg Mooring Field

Route plan from Loblolly Marina to St. Petersburg Mooring Field

Pilotage Plan: Loblolly Marina to St. Petersburg Mooring Field

Preparation and Departure
Before setting off from Loblolly Marina, ensure that your vessel is fully equipped with safety gear, including life jackets, fire extinguishers, a first-aid kit, and navigational aids such as charts of the area, a GPS, and a VHF radio. Weather conditions should be checked, and a float plan left with someone responsible.

Segment 1: Loblolly Marina to Open Waters
Departing Loblolly Marina, navigate cautiously through the marina's channels, keeping an eye out for local traffic and adhering to the speed limits. Your departure time should be planned to coincide with favorable tides, aiding your journey out toward open waters.

Segment 2: Open Waters to First Point of Interest
Once in open water, set a course that keeps you well clear of known hazards such as shallow areas or underwater obstructions marked on your chart. The first notable point of interest along your route could be a picturesque bay, perfect for anchoring if you're looking to break up the journey, enjoy some swimming, or simply relax. Remember, weather conditions can change rapidly, so this bay can also serve as a safe haven should you need shelter.

Navigational Aids and Hazards
As you continue your journey, be vigilant in monitoring channel markers and buoys. Your charts, along with a GPS, will be invaluable in identifying these as well as any shallow areas, shipwrecks, or other navigational hazards. At certain points along the route, you may encounter shipping lanes. Remember to cross these at a right angle and with minimum time spent in the lane, maintaining a careful watch for commercial traffic.

Local Restrictions or Regulations
Be mindful of local speed restrictions and no-anchor zones, particularly near environmentally sensitive areas. Some sections of your route may pass near marine reserves where specific regulations apply to protect wildlife. Adherence to these rules is not only a legal requirement but also part of being a responsible boater.

Segment 3: Approaching St. Petersburg Mooring Field
As you draw closer to St. Petersburg, navigation becomes more about precision. The approach to St. Petersburg Mooring Field will require careful attention to the channel markers, as the waters here can be busy with both leisure and commercial traffic. The city skyline and the iconic Sunshine Skyway Bridge in the distance can serve as visual landmarks.

Arrival at St. Petersburg Mooring Field
Upon arrival at St. Petersburg Mooring Field, contact the harbor master on the VHF radio for mooring assignments and instructions. St. Petersburg offers a vibrant waterfront with plenty of activities, from exploring the Dali Museum to enjoying the dining and nightlife.

Safety Over Fun, But a Trip Worth Taking
This route from Loblolly Marina to St. Petersburg Mooring Field has been designed with a safety-first approach, focusing on avoiding known hazards and providing options for shelter. Despite this, the journey offers an exciting blend of open-water sailing, stunning views, and the opportunity to explore interesting points along the way.

This passage is particularly suitable for boaters who have some experience with navigation and are comfortable managing their vessel in varying conditions. Whether you're looking to enjoy the tranquility of the open water, explore picturesque bays, or experience the vibrant culture of St. Petersburg, this trip offers something for every boater, combining the thrill of navigation with the allure of exploration.

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